Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My first roast chicken...haha


Mixed herbs (E.g. Rosemary, Thymes..etc) + butter under the skin. Place the chicken on chopped onions on the grill pan.


Gril the chicken for 30 minutes at a oven heat of 180 Celcius.

While waiting for the chicken in the oven. Prepare the sauce by frying diced onions with a generous amount of olive oil, followed by adding cream, mixed herbs (+ lemon, salt & sugar to taste).


After 30 minutes in the oven, add on brocoli (or pepper or chopped carrot on and around the roast chicken) and poured some olive oil before setting it back to the oven for another 15-20 minutes. Serve with sauce prepared earlier. :).

All the best...lol.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Religion and Marriage

"What do you think? Do you have the same religious beliefs as your mate? How does it affect your relationship?" <<<<<<<<<<<< My the of thought day....
