Tuesday, April 30, 2013

[Malay] Automatic Enforcement System / Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik AES in Malaysia

Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) adalah sistem tidak adil yang bertujuan untuk mengkayakan kroni Barisan Nasional (BN) sahaja tetapi rakyat terpaksa menanggung derita menjadi mangsa.

AES bukanlah dikendalikan oleh Polis Diraja Malaysia ataupun Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan tetapi oleh 2 syarikat swasta dengan konsep merakam dan memberi saman bernilai RM 300 kepada pesalah trafik. Untuk setiap saman trafik, syarikat swasta ini akan mendapat komisen. Lebih bayak saman dikeluarkan, lebih banyak komisen diterima.

Tambahan pula, had laju di sesetengah tempat ditetapkan serendah 30km/jam, ini bermakna penunggang basikal juga berpeluang menerima saman AES!

Ketika rakyat sudah hidup sengsara akibat inflasi yang tidak terkawal, kini pula mungkin menghadapi kemungkinan bila-bila masa akan menerima saman AES , akhirnya hanya kroni sahaja yang bertambah kaya.

Keempat-empat negeri Pakatan Rakyat telah menangguhkan pemasangan AES, bahkan berhasrat untuk memansuhkan AES apabila berjaya membentuk Kerajaan Pusat selepas Pilihan Raya ke-13 nanti demi kepentingan rakyat jelata!

Tolakkan AES, Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Malaysia: Proton Car Sales- World Ranking

Car Sales - World Ranking

Malaysia's Proton losing competitiveness....

Sunday, April 28, 2013

BN's MIC won't help our special boy but we will still vote for BN

Despite not getting help from Malaysia Indian Congress (MIC) of Barisan Nasional, this family remains staunch supporters of Barisan Nasional. This is true for families in Malaysia who are not exposed to a balanced source of information and their hope suppressed for a long time.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ever wonder how much does it cost to own a house in 1972 in Malaysia?

Average salary for an executive working in Kuala Lumpur increases from RM 800 to RM 8000  
- 10 times more (From 1972 to 2012)

Average Double Storey terrace house in Kuala Lumpur increases from RM 19,000 to RM 700,000
- 37 times more (From 1972 to 2012)

Housing loan repayment period also increase from 10 years to 30 years
- 3 times more (From 1972 to 2012)

Under the rule of Barisan Nasional for 55 years has led to uncontrolled rise of the cost of living has forced many young Malaysians unable to afford private-own housing these days. It's time to change the government, coming this 5th of May 2013 to see a better future.

Vote for Pakatan Rakyat, hope for the people. Vote for Change.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Ever wonder how long do you need to work for a "Big Mac" in Malaysia?

Need to work for 41 minutes for a "Big Mac"??? 

It's time to change, improve the income of ordinary Malaysians, better governance, fight corruption, accountable economic management and empowering the people.

This is it! Change on 505!

Inikalilah! Ubah!

20th April 2013 - Malaysia's 13th General Elections Nomination Day

Nomination-DayBy Martin Jalleh

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Documentary into the "deals" of the ruling family of Sarawak's Taib Mahmud

Documentary by Global Witness into the "dealings" of the ruling family of the Sarawak's Chief Minister. (Sarawak is an eastern Malaysia state). The Chief Minister Taib Mahmud hails from the ruling coalition of Barisan Nasional under the leadership of Najib Razak will be seeking for re-election in the upcoming 13th Malaysia General Elections which is expected within weeks after the dissolution of Parliament on 3rd April 2013.