Friday, March 13, 2009

Tree of Democracy

Photo by DelCapo (
Since the March 8th 2008, the 12th Malaysian General Election since independence from the British empire on August 31st 1957. The ruling party (National Front Party) since independence suffered an upsetting setback when 49.5% of the voters voted against the ruling coalition for 50 years. (My previous blogs contain some related videos from Al Jazeera English.

The Tree of Democracy: When the separation of powers between the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary as enshrined in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia is clearly violated with the gross abuse of the power of the Executive. The Legislative branch as guarded by the democratic parliamentary system has been attacked. The symbolic Perak* (A Northern state in Malaysia with about 2.5 million population) State Assembly, a struggling democracy took refuge under the shed of a rain tree on 3rd March 2009.
*Perak- one the five states' goverment that fell into Malaysian opposition party, the People's Alliance party (Elected to the state government office).
The speaker of the State Assembly has convened an emergency meeting for the State Assembly to decide on the solution for the State Constituitional Crisis since early February 2009, when four defectors (missing in action for a week, believed to be courted with bribery, kidnapping, threats and harrasments) from the state's ruling coalition (People's Alliance/ Pakatan Rakyat) switched allegiance to National Front/Barisan Nasional coalition (Who is also the ruling party of the Federal Government of Malaysia).
With four party defectors (Political frogs as term by Malaysians), Barisan Nasional claimed and formed the Perak State Government. The Pakatan Rakyat leaders have then cried foul and insist on the power grab as illegal, unethical and unconstituition which have triggered a series of "tremors" into the very fundamentals of the Malaysian Constituition.
The emergency meeting of State Assembly (or State Parliament) took place under a tree in a car park lot, just a stone throw away from the actual State Assembly Building was announced by the Speaker of the State Assembly under the Standing Order of State Constituition after the Executive (Mainly the Federal Government) has ordered the police to deny the elected State Assemblymen and Speaker of the State Assembly from entering the building housing the State Assembly. Three major motions were passed under the abnormal circumstances which all in favour of the ousted state government of the Pakatan Rakyat and in consensus in favour of the dissolution of State Assembly paving way for a fresh state-wide election, returning the power of democracy back to the will of the people through ballot boxes. (Where the voters of the State decides who should form the State Government).
The outcome...(A chaotic constituitional crisis which involves almost every level of the society which include the police, judges, ministers, lawyers...and etc.)
However, in this series of reports. I would touch on the outcome of the tree of democracy in particular...where threats of "cutting down the tree" have been heard on the press...
Reports to follow...

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